• This is slide 1 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 2 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 3 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 4 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.
  • This is slide 5 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

Lol Platform have so many solutions to the problems 

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Th first thing i feel i need to let my readers know is what blockchain is all about and how it can transform Global Education positively? Most people are not aware of Blockchain technology and how it works.There is need for massive Global enlightenment on how this Technology functions , its potentials and how it can revolutionize the entire World positively. Education simply means impacting knowledge in Generations from the Collective truth. It simply based on trusting the Authority of Learning institution in the area of research and teaching they are representing Blockchain is simply a distributed ledger technology . It aids consensus due to its record keeping nature. In addition, the technology is highly transparent , users within the chain can validate and download various individual ledgers..The amazing feature of blockchain is that it cant be altered , its just permanent . Its almost a decade since the release of a whitepaper that defined the Blockchain P2P distributed ledger which metamorphose into the first Global Cryptocurrency which is Bitcoin. Blockchain will be highly effective in Education industry, although there series of industries that has adopted this technology. There are lots of shortcoming in the traditional Global education sectors which Blockchain is set to correct . The Team of Learn Online after having studied all shortcoming in traditional centralized Education and learning Space has come up with a sustainable solution to all these shortcomings . LOL ecosystem is solely designed to empower the World to gain access to the World Class education with the aid of Blockchain technology irrespective of time, location.. Unlike the existing Centralized education system, LOL tends to remove so many barriers and complexities in the learning system and simplify the learning process with the aid of their Decentralized learning materials market place for certification and testing from the European International University. LOL will base their Certification and Referencing on Blockchain and introducing Finger Print Digital Personality Testing by using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain for recording Data .
High social pressure has lead some young people and professionals to source and go for illegal and inappropriate means obtaining Educational qualification .Social status, uneven distribution of education to masses leads people out of desperation going for heavy loans to sponsor their education and eventually leading to high National debts. Traditional system of learning seems very expensive and making millions of people Worldwide not having access to education . The problem associated to where, when and how to learn is a very serious problem battling the traditional Education system. A very good example ,a Briton wanting to Study in America would need to migrate to that very country to study. Timetable has been designed for learning , he must always meet up with the scheduled time for their lectures.These are really the fundamental problem in education sector and it contribute to reasons why millions wouldn't have access to education .
Lol Platform have so many solutions to the problems which has been mentioned above . The problem is plaguing education sectors Globally. The LOL Platform allow learners to take decision where ,when, how and what to study , thereby preventing the existing Mundane system education and adopting more working model that will empower both the user and the system . LOL Decentralize platform is solely based on blockchain technology, everything is being perfected with the use of Blockchain and the AI . The LOL Ecosystem will enable massed to access education Globally and earning their various qualification at a very affordable cost. Lack of Education is one among the reason why the World hasn't turned to a better place yet as expected. Education Plays some vital role in humans life and society at large. Education improves life , encourage broad thinking and springs out innovations.Millions across the Globe cant access basic education due to their financial in capabilities. LOL Ecosystem with their token economics solution will solve the aforementioned problem . Eventually , LOL Platform will represent a very huge marketplace for learners to enroll for a very quality , Competency based , job skill oriented courses and professional lectures, trainers and instructors across the Globe irrespective of time , money and location.
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Highlights of the LOL Platform
(i) LOL Coins are Ethereum based tokens on blockchain technology . it is the major currency in the LOL Platform and core asset for the LOL Ecosystem . It can be used to buy digital education in the marketplace.
(ii) The LOL Platform is compatible with any device. its works on Mobile apps, desktop and tablet.
(iii) Decentralized : LOL as a decentralized digital learning Market place has diverse source of revenues.
(iv) LOL Winning Team : Lol consist of professionals , they are existing Certified Professionals, technologist, trainers, instructors , lecturers , recruiting and more.
(v) Live RSS FEEDS : This is a medium which live news information about new courses, certification,counselling , registration are being shared to the public.
LOL Education platform is revolutionizing education with integrated Digital learning Platform on Decentralized LOL system. LOL Project is a project which i believe everyone must support . The Platform has been developed by Team of expertise with over 20 years experience of international Education management .This kind of project needs to be supported in other to make the World a more better place for everyone . Education for the masses will improve the World. Apart from that investors will earn high revenue share from their various investment in the future . I recommend everyone to invest in LOL STO and be part of this world amazing revolution and Global initiative. LOL has been established since 1998 with different international School Campuses , business schools and international University in their Portfolio.

LOL official Resources
Email for any inquiry :info@loleiu.io
Telegram https://t.me/joinchat/G1P6Ag0hh6lVrk0pvRx1mA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coin_lol
Linkedin: contact individual team member


Boltt Coin emerges to be the fastest growing DApp of All time

Users from across the world are loving our DApp. We are thrilled to announce that we have today clocked more than 10,000 Daily Active Users.
Some interesting stats :
  1. We have more than 5000 daily transactions taking place on the Waves Blockchain
  2. Over the last few months, we have given away more than 5 MN Boltt Coins as rewards to our users
  3. More than 7000 different types of products have been purchased from the Boltt Marketplace.
  4. These products range from Fashion, Health, Fitness to consumer electronics and accessories
  5. The DApp has many Step Challenges running at any given point of time
  6. Each challenge witnesses a participation of more than 2000 users
  7. We are seeing a large participation coming from institutions and corporates, that are running step challenges for their employees
Large number of participation in the Boltt Coin Challenges
Coin Utility and Redemption in our Ecosystem
Ways to Earn Boltt Coins in the DApp :
1.Boltt health reward engine: Enables to earn BolttCoins with steps & personal health achievements.
2. Boltt engagement & gamification: Enables creating challenges, tournaments, and games from sponsored brands, celebrities, and corporates to reward participants. The winners of these challenges win Boltt Coins as part of rewards
Ways to redeem Boltt Coins in the DApp:
  1. Boltt Decentralized Marketplace: Large In App shop of products. Today the DApp has 25K+ merchants selling 1Mn + products in exchange for Boltt Coins. This acts a separate channel of sale for these merchants. Boltt Coin DApp has a highly engaged, curated, technologically advanced and health conscious user base. It helps a brand/ retailer to showcase its products to an audience that results in higher conversion. It also enables advertisers to command higher monetisation and drives higher CPM figures for In App monetisation.
  2. Host of Other Services : We are working towards enhancing the utility of Boltt Coins across a host of other services- users will soon be able to use Boltt coins to avail insurance benefits, pay utility bill payments,spend on entertainment bookings, offline shops, and other services.

Target audience

Boltt appeals to a wide range of individual and commercial audiences with many different use cases from individual health improvement to promoting products and services by the corporates.
  1. End users — users from all age groups and all segments can take part in the BolttCoin ecosystem.
  2. Corporates who want to drive employee productivity and engage with their employees
  3. Employees who want to earn rewards in the form of BolttCoins
  4. Retailers who want to run loyalty programs with BolttCoins
  5. Brands that want to run engagement programs with their Consumers
  6. Celebrities who want to run engagement and awareness programs with their fans
  7. Insurance providers who want to reward their customers with policy discounts based on health
  8. Service providers who want to run engagement programs with their customers
  9. Hospitals Hospitals & Medical institutions can collect medical records & reward patients for keeping heathy
Why Boltt Coin is on Blockchain
By utilizing shared ledgers, smart contracts and cryptographic encryption, Boltt is able to eliminate the intermediaries throughout its ecosystem while ensuring trust, security, transparency, immutability, and auditability across the value chain.
  • Boltt’s Health Reward Engine are based on a Smart Contract
  • This offers complete transparency in the process of token generation
  • It is audit-able and hack proof
  • All Boltt platform challenges, tournaments and games are recorded on the Blockchain
  • Players are able participate without being dependent on host decisions, financial regulations, and middleman controls.
  • Boltt challenges aim to eliminate the need to trust hosts running centralized platforms.
  • The Boltt Health ID uses Blockchain to keep all the health identification data of the users safe.
  • The P2P nature of the blockchain does away with the need for any intermediaries to facilitate transactions.
  • Transaction cost on the Boltt platform is even less than 0.1% of the transaction value, which is significantly lower compared to centralized payment methods such as PayPal or credit cards.
  • Overall, within the Boltt shop, there are automated triggers and processes
